This Boy's Life | Revry

95 min Drama TV-14

Director: Michael Caton-Jones

  • Ellen Barkin
  • Robert De Niro
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Tobey Maguire
  • Tristan Tait
  • Travis MacDonald
  • Richard Liss
  • Michael Bacall
  • Adam Sneller
  • Gerrit Graham
  • Thomas Kopache
  • Lee Wilkof
  • Sean Murray
  • Jason Horst
  • Deanna Milligan
  • Morgan Brayton
  • Robert Munns
  • Bill Dow
  • Shawn Macdonald
  • Frank C. Turner
  • John R. Taylor
  • Stephen E. Miller
  • Dwight McFee
  • Ken Camroux-Taylor
  • Ross Chaston
  • Scott Woodmansee
  • Loni Ackerman
  • Kevin Hansen
  • Dennis Kostecki
  • Marshall Dancing Elk Lucas
  • George Reeves
  • Reed Rudy
  • Jen Taylor

In 1957, a son and mother flee the East and an abusive boyfriend to find a new life, and end up in Seattle, where the mother meets a polite garage mechanic. The boy continually gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd. The mom marries the mechanic, but they soon find out that he's an abusive and unreasoning alcoholic, and they struggle to maintain hope in an impossible situation as the boy grows up with plans to escape the small town by any means possible.

Lockdown Lovers The Laureate Peridot #LookAtMe Nobody's Watching Carmen & Lola Borrowed I Can't See Her After School The Sleepover The Exchange Heart Breaks Open When I'm With You A Feast That Never Comes Devil In A Dress With A Kiss I Die The Objects Of Love Always On My Mind Senza Corpo Poets Are The Destroyers